Directed by Howard Hawks. Written by Jules Furthman and William Faulkner from Ernest Hemingway's novel.

Originated when Hawks boasted to Hemingway that he could take the latter's worst novel and make it into a good film. He did, and made movie history by teaming Humphrey Bogart and newcomer Lauren Bacall. It's all Hollywoodized stuff in this macho-Hawksian, indirect variant of "Casablanca," set in WWII Martinique, with brave Free French and, bad by definition Nazis and Vichy collaborators. Bogart is the tough cynic with a boat for hire, Bacall is the slinky creature who makes her entrance with "Anybody got a match?" and later tells Bogie : " You know how to whistle, don't you? Put your lips together and ... blow." As Bogart said, on the screen, more than once to his leading ladies :"You're good, you're very good." Right he was. The Bogart-Bacall sexual approaches and chemistry are terrific. Hoagy Carmichael serves up some of his uniquely different, winsome songs. This movie-movie may be schlock, but of the kind that film dreams are made of.

(Edwin Jahiel)