Movie Reviews by Edwin Jahiel

ROGUE MALE (GB, 1976). In 1941, Fritz Lang (and writer Dudley Nichols) made "Manhunt," a taut thriller about an English hunter (Walter Pidgeon) who tries to shoot Hitler and then becomes himself the prey of the Nazis, and, on English soil, traitors too. The film was adapted from Geoffrey Household's equally tense novel "Rogue Male." Then in 1976 came a remake, as a BBC TV-movie directed by Clive Donner, scripted by Frederic Raphael, and starring Peter O'Toole, Alastair Sim, Harold Pinter. It is, once again, a most watchable, exciting film, also full of tensions, and very well played. Film buffs could do worse than renting the Lang picture and comparing the two. They will find, among other things, that the new version is more detailed as well as more somber, in part because in 1941 the wishful thinking killing of Hitler was still a remote possibility, and because in 1976 we were all aware of Hitler's wartime crimes. Pidgeon and O'Toole both are uppercrust characters, stiff upper lip and all that, with O'Toole -- who, according to the books he wrote, was obsessed with the terror of Hitler in his childhood -- delivering the more personal, intense performance. (Edwin Jahiel)